February 18, 2025

Cat Serum Yello Ring 8Ml Tube

VACUETTE Bleeding with Gel Activator Serum 8ml Greiner VACUETTE Bleeding with Gel Activator Serum 8ml Greiner - PK50

455071A PK50
EUR 62.1

Cat Serum Laboratories manufactures the cat serum yello ring 8ml tube reagents distributed by Genprice. The Cat Serum Yello Ring 8Ml Tube reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Cat Serum. Other Cat products are available in stock. Specificity: Cat Category: Serum Group: Yello Ring

EZ-10 Column and collection tube (blue tube, clear ring, clear collection)

100, 100UNIT
EUR 89.23

Canine Serum

50 ml
EUR 149
Description: Non Sterile Canine Serum

Rabbit Serum

EUR 188.4

Serum albumin

EUR 2640

Serum albumin

EUR 2640

Serum albumin

EUR 2640

Serum albumin

EUR 2640

Yello Ring information

15ml Centrifuge Tube, Screw Cap, Yellow, Sterile, 100/Bag

BT888-SY 1PK, 100UNIT
EUR 82.27

0.5ml Skirted Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TK346-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 93.41

1.5ml Skirted Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TK356-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 93.41

2ml Skirted Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TK366-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 93.41

2ml Skirted Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TK376-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 114.07

1.5ml Conical Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TC126-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 101.82

0.5ml Conical Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TC136-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 99.86

1.5ml Conical Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TC156-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 93.41

2ml Conical Tube With Screw Cap, Sterile, Yellow, 500/Bag

TC166-SY 1PK, 500UNIT
EUR 93.41

50ml Skirted Centrifuge Tube, Yellow Cap, Sterile, 25/Bag

TK943-YS 1PK, 25UNIT
EUR 69.72

Axygen 0.2ml thin walled flat cap PCR tube yellow - PK1000

AXY2062 PK1000
EUR 89.1

4-Way Tube Racks, Yellow Color

LC8009-505 5/Pk
EUR 165.6

96-Well PCR Tube Racks, Yellow

R541-Y 1 UNIT
EUR 63.66

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Yellow 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2049 PK200
EUR 67.5

BD Vacutainer Serum Tube with Silica and Red Hemogard Closure 6mL - PK100

VS367837 PK100
EUR 64.8

Normal Feline (Cat) Serum

MBS686315-10mL 10mL
EUR 240

Normal Feline (Cat) Serum

MBS686315-2mL 2mL
EUR 155